
Updated: 6/11/14
"Emma" is our 4 year old Rat Terrier. Weighing in at about 21 pounds, she has a big dog personality wrapped very neatly in a compact package. With a coat that is made up predominantly of a bright white and deep, shiny black, it earned her the registered name of "Darkest Before Dawn."

We acquired this fun-loving girl during our 6 year stay in Louisiana when she was but 4 weeks old, after her mother decided she was done nursing her wee ones. As a pup, we often referred to her as "horse", as she was so much bigger than most of her litter mates.

When I began my "training to be trainer" back in June 2012, Emma was my go-to girl, and boy, did she teach me as much as I taught her! Extremely intelligent, but incredibly stubborn, I chose the breed of all breeds to begin my education.

Now residing in Ohio, the southern belle is learning to tolerate the white fluffy stuff from November to March. She reigns from her position on the couch as the little-big sister to her big-little sister, Esme. She loves to run, and she adores her Nylabones and Kong. She has learned that when the clicker and fanny pack come out, it's time to work. She really enjoys learning new things.  Most of all, she loves to be in someone's lap. Namely mine!

A cuddle-bunny from head to paw, this ball of energy is not for the faint of heart. She has springs for legs, a foghorn for a bark, and possesses the strength of a dog weighing three times her weight. Oh, and did I mention she is a toilet paper/tissue/paper towel thief? Even so, I can't imagine not having those huge brown eyes around, and that sparkling white paw resting in my lap.


Here is a history of the breed according to AKC's Meet the Breed.

"The Rat Terrier is an American breed that originated from a mixture of crosses by early immigrants of this country using old time Fox Terriers and other European Terriers common in the 19th century; the Old English White Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Bull Terrier, etc., and later crossed with Beagles, more Smooth Fox Terrier, Toy Fox Terriers, Whippets, Italian Greyhounds and other available Feist breeds.
During the 1910s and 1920s, the Rat Terrier was one of the most common farm dogs. Because Kansas Jack Rabbits were plaguing crops in the Midwest, to increase the speed and versatility of the Rat Terrier, some Farmers began breeding them to Whippets, Italian Greyhounds and other "snap dog" breeds. Around the same time, others in the Central and Southern regions, bred their Rat Terriers to Beagles to bring out a stronger prey and pack drive for hunting purposes. These early crosses eventually gave the breed the speed and "nose," as well as the good disposition they are known for today."

More information on the history, health, temperament, and personality of the Rat Terrier can be seen at these links.
AKC Meet the Breeds - Get to Know the Rat Terrier
Pet Wave - Rat Terrier Temperament and Personality
Pet Wave - Rat Terrier History and Health
Pet Wave - Rat Terrier Appearance and Grooming

If you are an AKC enthusiast, you may be asking in which exact class/group the Rat Terrier falls. Currently, they fall in the "Miscellaneous Class." Here you can find an explanation of AKC's definition of the Miscellaneous Class, along with the the breeds that currently reside within.

Best wags,
Whitney & Emma

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