Monday, December 31, 2012

Most Popular Puppy Names of 2012

Esme, 11 weeks
I thought this would be fun to share as 2012 comes to a close. Although these are supposed to be the ten most popular puppy names of the year according to Shine from Yahoo!, I think they've actually been popular for... well, forever.

Top 10 Puppy Names of 2012
After examining the names of more than 1.25 million puppies born in 2012 from Vetstreet's database, we came up with the year's top pet names.

No.1 - Female: Bella, Male: Max

No. 2 - Female: Daisy, Male: Buddy

No. 3 - Female: Lucy, Male: Charlie

No. 4 - Female: Molly, Male: Rocky

No. 5 - Female: Lola, Male: Cooper

No. 6 - Female: Sophie, Male: Bear

No. 7 - Female: Sadie, Male: Bentley

No. 8 - Female: Chloe, Male: Duke

No. 9 - Female: Coco, Male: Jack
No. 10 - Female: Maggie, Male: Toby

That's it, folks. Give your Duke a pat on the head, or Molly a good belly rub. Have a blessed and happy New Year.
