Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow Fun

We have had more snow in the last week than we had all winter last year, and have seen more snow in the last week than we've seen in the last eight years (we only moved back to Ohio from Louisiana in 2011). For all the inconveniences that come along with winter weather, (i.e., getting stuck in the snow, shoveling, breaking out the hot water bottle for my back, walking to work, taking dogs out in all kinds of weather, the heating bills, etc.), it has been a lot of fun! One of us has enjoyed it in particular...

On top of the four or so inches of snow we got a few days ago, we got another five or six inches last night. All of the tracks in the backyard had been covered over and it was a blank slate; inviting.

Today, Esme is 22 weeks old. It has been a sort of project of mine to take pictures of her every week, chronicling her growth. They will be fun to look back on when she weighs 40 plus pounds, and I'm sure they will also become very sentimental memories.

After lunch today, we took to the fresh snow. I can't quite get over how very at home-- how natural-- Esme is in the snow. She'd never seen the stuff before the last couple weeks, yet she ran like the sled dogs of her ancestors; free, happy, tireless. The snow crunched under her insulated paws as she tore around the yard, scooping up snow in her mouth, catching the mounds I kicked her way, and having a highly enjoyable romp in general.

After our hands had turned to ice, and our camera was exhausted, we all returned to the house to lay our gloves over a vent, and to wait for our faces to regain feeling.

The smooth texture of the snow's surface is now split and rumpled, complete evidence of an afternoon well spent.

Snow-dusted wags,